Friday, December 30, 2011

Online Health Education Certification Training

Good health in today's society has become an important factor in the way people live, in how people are educated, and more. The wellness boom has sparked numerous campaigns and advertisements to promote a better way to treat your body. How to present health information in an educational setting can be learned through accredited online degree programs. Degree programs in health education will successfully prepare students to enter the industry.

The task of a health educator or promoter is not an easy one. People in today's society generally love junk food, do not like exercise, and would rather have a relaxed non-physical job. These facts are the focus of professionals in the field. Health educators work in a variety of settings but have the same goal. They educate and promote excellent health habits to individuals in their communities. Professionals do this by bringing awareness and giving individuals the skills they need to sustain personal health in a variety of areas. These areas can include obstetrics, AIDS prevention, teenage pregnancy, diet, and more. Online training in this field centers on the health and wellness of an individual rather than presenting just theory about health. Prospective students will be able to teach the above and more once they become certified.

Students have a wide range of options for schooling depending on what they want to accomplish in the industry. Options for interested individuals start at an associate's degree and end at the PhD level of education. Each level teaches students how to successfully educate people in a variety of ways. Students should consider if they want to work directly with people by teaching them about health or if they want to work with health educators in a managerial way. Either option will require the basic level of education. However, to step into managerial positions or a career where you provide solutions to health problems, graduate degrees are required. Lets look at what each level of education provides so you can make the best decision at what type of training would be best for your goals.

An associate's degree is the fastest way to enter the field. Students will learn foundational principles by gaining experience and studying science. Courses at this level will include human health, fitness, sex education, nutrition, and more. Students with this level of certification work in clinical and community settings. In order to advance in the field a bachelor's degree is required. A bachelor's degree program is a more rigorous learning process. Students dive into biology, psychology, and social studies. Courses will include leadership, computer technology, social theory, and more. Students will learn about current health problems and how to create and present solutions.

A master's degree program will have students integrating foundational knowledge with a more in depth study of science. At this level students prepare for management positions where they will work in hospitals, schools, organizations, and more. Courses will include exercise physiology, business administration, health communication, and more. To enter a research career students will need to obtain a PhD. Students will learn how to develop solutions for challenging public health issues and apply research directly to those issues. Students will become highly knowledgeable in medical, social, political, psychological, and economic procedures to successfully do their job. Training online offers many different options for prospective students.

Don't let your passion for the medical field and communication go to waste. Enter a fulfilling career by enrolling in an accredited educational program today. Search out colleges that offer a degree program that fit your career goals.

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Renata McGee is a staff writer for Locate Health Education Schools Online providing the education you're looking for at, your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.

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Health Education Certification Available Online

Personal health has become a high priority in today's society for multiple reasons. Achieving overall health has a positive impact on the life of an individual. Online schools offer the chance to become certified as a health educator through a number of degrees. These degree programs teach students how to educate and promote health in all areas that relate to a person's body.

In general, health educators give awareness and provide options on how to improve on health related issues. These issues include tobacco prevention, AIDS, disease, teenage pregnancy, childbirth, exercise, diet, and more. The process of schooling enables a student to handle the intricacies of physical health and overcome the challenges of promoting awareness to communities. The foundation of education is biology, health communication, human development, public health, and psychology of health. Through this foundation students will apply practical and real world experience to step into the profession confidently.

Students have many options when it comes to deciding on a learning program. Gaining a certificate in the field is possible, but most students and professionals earn a degree. Putting the work into obtaining a degree benefits students by opening more career options and widening their knowledge. The highest level of education for a student to enter is the PhD level. Students should determine what area of the industry they want to work in. This decision helps when it comes time to choose a degree program to enroll in. Each level of education provides a different level of career preparation. For example, working within the private sector or conducting research in the field requires a master's degree or a PhD. Choosing the correct education path is essential to reach personal career goals.

An associate's degree is generally a two-year degree that quickly launches students into the industry. This level of degree is highly effective when a student wants to enter a full-time job as a health educator in clinical, corporate, or community settings. Associate programs provide initial science knowledge that can be applied to entry-level careers or further education at a later time. Topics introduced include how to develop a fitness program, sex education, drug education, and nutrition. To enter an associate's degree students need to have a high school diploma and at least a 2.0 grade point average in math and science.

To enter a wider choice of careers a bachelor's degree program supplies a more in depth and rigorous education experience. Specialized training begins at this level of education. Specific course subjects include health theory, computer technology, and leadership. Understanding existing trends in health and diet along with the best health practices are at the top of the list for must have knowledge upon graduation. This information is gained through studying the most pressing health concerns, causation factors of current issues, and following through on solutions. Continuing education to become a health educator is for students who want to work in the top careers of the industry.

Enter a fast growing field and work with people to improve their lives by educating them about important health issues. The occupation growth is estimated to rise 26 percent over the next six years. This projected increase from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that no matter what level of education a student decides to complete a career is obtainable. Choose an accredited program today and work towards becoming certified as a health educator.

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Renata McGee is a staff writer for Locate Online Health Education Schools providing the education you're looking for at, your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.

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Things to Consider About America's Online PHD Degree

In den letzten zehn Jahren oder so haben Programme zu verdienen online Associate, Bachelor-, Master oder PHD Grad alle über das Internet entstanden. Orte wie die University of Phoenix haben Pionierarbeit im Bereich online-Bildung, mit vielen anderen Colleges und Universitäten nach gerecht zu werden, aufgrund der zunehmenden Beliebtheit unter den Grad-suchende. Die wichtigsten Gründe für diese Popularität sind klar: Flexibilität, Erschwinglichkeit und wenig bis keine Bürokratie mit denen zu kämpfen, haben Studenten, die unzufrieden mit den traditionellen Hochschulbildung Optionen sind angezogen. Viele Amerikaner, die Onlinegrad verfolgen sind nicht traditionele Kursteilnehmer mit außerhalb Verpflichtungen oder Aufgaben wie Arbeit, Familie, Kinder oder Militärdienst, und nicht an Klassen Vollzeit teilnehmen. Wollen noch verbessern ihre Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten, gewinnen mehr Erfahrung in ihrem Bereich, Karriere zu wechseln oder einfach lernen etwas neues, sie sehen online-Bildung als eine Möglichkeit, mehrere Aktionen in der gleichen Zeit-ihren Kuchen haben und ihn auch essen.

Viele Studenten bevorzugen, Kurse von zu Hause, auf ihrer eigenen Zeit, anstatt zu strukturieren ihren Tag um herkömmliche College oder einer Universität Klassen zu nehmen. Online PHD Grad sind eine Option, die sich besonders an diejenigen, die bereits eine Karriere noch verbessern ihr Know-how, oder diejenigen, die seit geraumer Zeit in der gleichen Karriere wollen, noch haben, für einen oder anderen Grund, wieder zur Schule gehen, so dass sie, eine neue Karriere zu verfolgen beginnen können möchten. Einige der beliebtesten online PHD Grad Programme sind Psychologie, Engineering, öffentliche Gesundheit und Ausbildung Business.

Online PHD Grad, erfordern fast durchweg viel Arbeit und Zeit, die meisten Menschen nicht von einem online-Programm erwarten. Online Promotion kann fordern, dass es fast immer ein Jahr vor-Ort, Arbeit vor Ort, oder klinische Erfahrung, als auch eine bestimmte Anforderung der Klasse Stunden online ausgegeben erfordert. Obwohl diese Programme intensive tendenziell, sind sie auf jeden Fall lohnt sich im Bereich der Sachkenntnis gesucht. Beispielsweise ein Onlinegrad Psychologie PHD gilt eine Forschung und Lehre Grad, was bedeutet, dass viele Stunden tuend beide um den Grad erwerben ausgegeben werden.

Ein Onlinegrad Business bereitet auf der anderen Seite der Student eine Lehre oder Erforschung Stellung im Geschäft, was in der Regel viele Stunden des Lesens und Studie erforderlich macht. Ungeachtet des Grades, die verfolgt wird, hilft die wirklichen Lebenserfahrung der Arbeit vor Ort oder Studie über bedeutende akademische Texte groß, die online PHD-Student in Vorbereitung auf die Realität der ihr Arbeitsgebiet sobald sie den Grad erwerben. Eine online PHD Studium kann eine Erfahrung sein, die belohnt sowohl an sich, und der Student seit vielen Jahren kommen aufgrund erhöhter Bildung, Erfahrung und Expertise, zieht größere und bessere vielfältige Karrieremöglichkeiten profitieren können.

Weitere große Informationen über ein online College-Abschlussbesuchen Sie unsere neue Webseite heute.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Health Sciences Career Studies

The field of health sciences is extremely broad leaving students with the choice of what type of degree they would like to earn. The field encompasses career studies that prepare students to work in health care as assistants or technicians in a specific area. Educational opportunities can be found at a variety of colleges throughout the country.

With the field being extremely diverse many students start by entering a bachelor's degree program. This is the case because many students enter the health sciences field after they have already earned an associate's degree in their desired field.

Fields that can be entered within a health sciences degree include:

Dental Hygiene
Physician Assisting
Surgical Technology
Applied Health Sciences
Occupational Therapy

These fields are joined by many other specializations that can be gained through degree programs from the associate's to the PhD level of education. The most common entered programs are at the bachelor's and master's degree level. Education at the bachelor's degree level consists of courses that supplement a concentration. It is typical for students to work through courses that have them completing clinical hours to gain experience. The same basic courses are taken no matter what career students are working towards. In a four-year degree program students should expect to complete courses in microbiology, human anatomy, physiology, and health care. Some classes will also focus on the different types of delivery systems that are integrated into the field.

Working through a master's degree program provides students with the knowledge needed to work alongside doctors and surgeons. Many of the degree programs prepare students for management by taking their specialization and providing a complete understanding of health science. Students can enter concentrations in areas including public health, health education, emergency and disaster management, clinical research administration, and more.

The core set of courses that all students can expect to take inside a master's degree program include:

Advanced Human Anatomy
Applied Ergonomics
Bioenergetics and Weight
Tissue Biomechanics
Movement Science

Students can plan to take these courses after working through a general education path in an undergraduate degree. A fundamentals course in human nutrition looks at health science in regards to nutrition. The study of digestion, diet, the effect of nutrients on the body, and the role of nutrition in health and disease makes up beginning concepts of the field. Another beginning course can be applied ethics, which looks at the techniques of care practices. Students debate from an argumentative standpoint what is moral and if techniques are based on someone's perspective. Students can expect to be trained well for their chosen field after completing a degree in health sciences.

The plethora of opportunities for higher education in health sciences allows students to enter their field with the level of education they would like to have. Accredited associate's degrees through PhD's are available and students should start studies to step closer to their career goals. Full accreditation is provided to programs that meet certain criteria and offer a quality education. Agencies like the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools ( ) can fully accredited educational programs.

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Renata McGee is a staff writer for Locate Health Sciences Schools and Colleges as well as Online Health Sciences Schools at, your Partners in Education and Tuition Assistance Programs.

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Online PhD Program Education - Is it Really of Any Use?

A Ph.D. degree or a doctorate degree was once a far dream for many people. It is still considered to be the highest possible educational degree. It is definitely not easy and takes at least 4-5 years to complete. Once a PhD is completed a better career is definitely assured. You can expect good salary and position after successfully completing any Ph. D. program.

Gone are the days when it was very difficult to continue your education along with your job. Now you can continue your regular job or business and still continue your education. Almost all of the reputed universities and institutions now offer online Ph.D. Programs education.

You can find complete details of the Ph.D. programs being offered by any institution or university on their websites. You can select the best suited program for you after taking into consideration all the course requirements.

Most common online Ph.D. programs are in Psychology, Education, Engineering, Business and Public Health. Many people from these streams who are looking for better prospects and job security opt for different Ph. D. programs in their respective area of specialization.

Online doctorate programs hold variety of advantages and benefits over classic regular education. Probably the best benefit is you need to attend regular classrooms in the campus. Instead you will get recorded classes which you can complete at your pace with your convenience.

All material that is required for the course is made available online which you can download to your local computer. Even the regular classes are delivered to you online as recorded videos.

You get access to the slides used in the lessons and complete your notes with leisure without fearing of losing any information. Even private tuitions are arranged by some institutions 1 to 1. For some of the best resources required to complete your online PhD program [] education make sure you visit this website: []

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Your Guide to Online Psychology PhD

Psychology is one area where you will need as much expertise as you can again. That is why there is a lot of demand of for the people who have done a doctorate in psychology.

If you are thinking about an online psychology degree it is always a good option than doing it on campus as then you can work as well as complete your degree. Always make sure that the online university that you select has the required PhD course like the industrial psychology or the organization psychology or even the forensic psychology.

There have been so many advancements in this area and so many streams that a lot of online universities may not have all of these with them. Another are is the fee waivers and the availability of financial aid. A lot of online universities do not have any financial aids but a few have and that is what you should be looking for.

Another thing to be careful about is the availability of online support while completing the course. A lot of universities provide the ability to have live chat session with the professors and get help. Always investigate all the option before enrolling for an online psychology PhD.

If you want to maximize you investments in the online course then go for a lot of extra course like the social work degree and advanced courses. The social work and the psychology degrees can open a lot of options in the public health service as well as lot of NGO's. Choose wisely and enroll in the best university.

online psychology PhD coupled with accredited social work degree is a good option to advance the career.

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MPH - the degree of choice for the future problem solvers in the health sector?

As health problems all over the world, continue to call even the most experienced veterans, the need for well trained problem solvers was never greater. Be more people with a degree in MPH (master of public health) one of the solutions could be? It could be straight, especially if the trend for teaching social entrepreneurship is growing.

A professional is extended the MPH, which takes usually 2-3 years completed. Most programs are taught on the campus. However are a growing number of MPH courses online, such as the program Executive MPH taught, which offered at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Students typically their studies in one of the five main areas of focus: public health administration, epidemiology, biostatistics, behavioral sciences (including health education) and occupational and environmental medicine health sciences. The degree together with the PhD, was the primary qualification for people in health care work in some administrative, scientific or professional capacity, and it was also for many years environmental public health.

But there is more that needs to be done. Accredited MPH programs have their figures stagnate or decline seen in recent years. The reasons vary, but one possible explanation is that attracted more young professionals, higher salaries, usually another dimension - that MHA or master of health administration - this is often the preferred route for hospital associated administrators. Another possible reason is the further erosion of the support and interest in public authorities, in the County, State or national level which is, where the MPH is often used.

In any case, which often has MPH as the most attractive degree been seen, to keep track of. But the tide could be? A growing number of universities and colleges a more global approach in their curricula include, schools of public health taught courses. This led students are familiar with a variety of health problems of the world is and want to because of the increased activism, to do something about it.

A similar tendency shows also signs of hope. In addition to that more about global health, are students result increasing interest in corporate governance "good do". That is do to the lives of the people want to improve it, but they want it with entrepreneurship, whether that means actually to create a startup or use entrepreneurial techniques within an existing organization, to implement changes, that is faster and better. Some universities are also integration of social entrepreneurship in their curricula and training offers, as well as granting programs, entrepreneurial thinking among Department promote development. For example, Dr. Dennis Gillings and his wife decided recently $50 million aside at the school of public health in UNC-Chapel Hill for the financing of innovation laboratories, which will focus concentrated efforts, whose solutions can make a difference in public health, to resolve major public health problems.

Bottom line - the world public health and the intelligence, drive and knowledge can further "change agents", who understand, to get things done for the communities around the world. The MPH can you fill this Bill and the time ripe, seeing to accelerate, not a decline, possibly dedicated to emerging MPH candidates. The schools of public health must their efforts to attract more students and offer courses and curricula to reinforce that spur help even larger social entrepreneurship participation of today's students. But they must be innovative, to itself and not as if the usual transactions. For example, some schools are still hesitate one offer MPH online program for fear that the educational process is compromised. And yet, no research supported this idea. In fact according to anecdotal strongly the online curriculum just as effectively, if not more effective, is students.

It is not easy break from tradition, but the world community cannot wait. It is the responsibility for and in pursuit of the MPH degree, the way for the rest of us to.

Gene Pinder is Deputy Director of the Executive Master Program in Department of health policy and administration at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of public health. In addition to teaching an innovation and applied creativity workshop, he teaches also marketing strategies and tactics for public health and health care management students.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Can I earn a PhD online?

Many adults who think a PhD shy way, that they commit a traditional Campus program can not make. Most are already professional, working adults. "Can I make a PhD online?" many questions himself. Fortunately, the answer is a clear yes! You can earn your PhD online from a number of different top named schools.

The number of different programs available online is growing with each passing year. Some of the most popular fields offered are psychology, education, public health and business. You can earn a PhD or any of the other doctorate such as PsyD, DBA, EdD and DPH. The offers vary depending on the institution, and the programs may differ slightly on the requirements.

Online programs follow a similar format on campus programs. You must have usually a set of classes that are offered 100% online. There is no set dates and times for lectures, rather you read and turn in assignments each week. You need to research, write and defend a dissertation. Most online programs require a few short-term stays. This is the long weekend or a week-long stay on the campus. You will be together usually with defending your dissertation.

When work and family responsibilities keep it back promotion, have a look at some of the currently available online programs. With the number of different programs available you will find that meets your needs. Some begin already next month!

As author to get a PhD and Nova Southeastern PhDwho compares author & reviews hundreds of products and were online.

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Health care reform is not healthy



Health insurance premiums are driven by the success or failure of actual health recovery maintenance and the costs required to deliver of service. Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., of Washington, DC, and editor of the 8th edition of the HPUS,is an internationally renowned medical historian and author of over 30 books and essays, which include: THE DIVIDED LEGACY, a four volume epochal history of medicine, which covers its origins to present day.

"Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920's. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful. And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks."-Harris Coulter, Ph.D., (Divided Legacy Vol 3)

There is no question we need reform in the areas of disease elimination improvements in Health, better delivery of health care when it is needed and health insurance parity. Personally, am all for reform, but let those reforms ring with the clarity of Truth and illuminate our way through the fog obfuscation.

Overall chemo-therapy and radiation are documented to be an absolute failure in the so-called war against cancer. The long-term survival rate of cancer patients using orthodox therapies remains abysmal and the statistical reportage is obfuscated.

Refer to: New England Journal of Medicine, "Progress Against Cancer," May 8, 1986 by John C. Bailar, III and Elaine M. Smith, and a ten-year follow-up "The War on Cancer" which appeared in Lancet, May 18th, 1996, by Michael B. Spoorn. Therein is published in leading medical journals, but they remain as the only therapies and pharmaceutical companies enjoy federal mandate.

Stated simply you cannot poison a sick person well.

HEALTH CARE REFORM is a meme used to numb the mind and sway political process but has little or nothing to do with health and certainly is neither, reform in the ways the public perceives, nor what they dearly need.

Merely by changing who and how much they profit for health services is only a small fraction of the underlying problem and ultimately it's you who pay. Current Congressional debates will not offer true reform of our systemic disease CARE, but strengthen insurance profits and control.

The fruit of the healthcare tree, while certainly abundant, is altogether rotten, because the roots are corrupted by disease. If the Food and Drug Administration which regulates both FOOD and drugs while having far reaching powers that are beyond the Constitution of the United States of America, is powerless to effectuate the genuine change required to modify the so-called health industry.

Nor can the FDA provide the reforms by its far reaching power and control, then how can we expect it to come from mandates from an under educated over lobbied congress?

Give credit where due, the FDA has been effective in causing millions of tones of ground meat and spinach. A little too late perhaps as the FDA has done nothing to stop chemical companies from pouring oceans of deadly toxic, and known carcinogens on our crops.

"Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans" ~ Jacques Cousteau


We must stop poisoning our earth with unnecessary toxic chemicals, which leaches out the elements and minerals building blocks of the cells of our bodies, and support and teach the farmers on bio-dynamic farming.

Why is there no respect for and replication of how the Hunzas and several other tribes on earth, wholive to be well over 120, and disease free.

These tribes drink the water which comes off of the slow grinding of the glacier across mountain terrain and gives minute quantities of every element and every mineral. Their cells have

access to all the natural building blocks of life and therefore remain impervious to invasion and disease.

Health and Old Age Places with High Longevity: Hunza Pakistan the area of Hunza in Pakistan which has a high level of longevity. A Guide to Shangri-La: The Leading Longevity Sites on Earth

For Americans and the world at large where the crop land is awash in chemicals the minerals and elements are leached out of the soil and the roots of our food crops are have no way to chelate them so that we can digest them into our bodies.

What follows is a well known symptom called pica, and we are constantly looking for something to eat to satisfy the hunger of the cells and this leads to obesity and disease on a national scale.

There are solutions, but the FOOD administration, has done nothing to listen to, study, implement, nor promote the use of Bio-Dynamic Farming, which is proven to produce greater volumes of crops far healthier and do not poison our water aquifers.

One fairly recent proactive move; the FDA and the FTC have enforced the little known Federal Law under USC Title 21 Part 56, INFORMED CONSENT. This activity is evidenced by the too frequent drug commercials and advertisements. To name one example the anti depressant drug, ABILIFY, is known to cause death and suicide.

To our detriment and demise, the FDA has a tunnel vision partisan perspective and always reactive, rarely proactive when a patient actually dies from using an FDA approved drug, they routinely avoid any blame and state "there is no conclusive evidence to prove it was because of the drug." No drug company is ever charged with a crime and no executives, nor doctors, are criminally charged for manufacturing, nor for prescribing the drugs.

WHY? Because the drugs are FDA approved so it would mean they are culpable.

However, when a substance derived and used by another Healing Art, i.e. Homeopathy, is found to be highly effective in combating and eliminating a disease such as cancer, or reversing the side effects of AIDS, a stroke, or Cystic Fibrosis, to name a few, the FDA routinely states there is no scientific evidence to support the claims moves swiftly to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

We must continue to strengthen the education of the public on sound fundamentals of health maintenance.

We must allow for access and coverage to all branches of the Healing Arts. This is known as the ECLECTIC. The allopathic cartel are not the arbiters of truth, nor have they proven to be honorable stewards, nor have they provided viable solutions where other forms of healing arts have been successful, in some cases thousands of years.


The problem is that over the past 67 years, a Federal Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, created in 1938 as an agency to ensure that Food, Drugs and Cosmetics moving in interstate commerce, were pure, unadulterated, contained what was stated on the label and safe for human consumption.

Over the years the FDA has undergone a metamorphosis and has become a threat to the civil liberties and public health of Americans, as well as added incredibly to the cost of the products it regulates.

The FDA has a long history of using the resources of the agency to conduct Gestapo type raids on medical clinics, terrorizing patients, staff and practitioners, seizing quantities of vitamins, manuals and harmless natural products, issues completely inaccurate, indeed, deliberately mendacious publicity releases slandering practitioners, nutritional products and innovative drugs and has so far departed from the purposes for which it was created as to become a menace to both the public's health and their civil liberties.

Under 80 or more years of Allopathic domination, the standardized American health care system is unable to:

(1)Control the resurgence of Tuberculosis in the country;

(2)Control the rising rate of Cancer deaths;

(3)Control the rising rate of coronary artery deaths;

(4)Lower the infant mortality rate;

(5)Find an effective cure for AIDS.

There are available answers to all these deficiencies, but none of them are embraced in Allopathic Doctrine.

The question presented is, if there is any legal control over this vast agency and any way citizens can take legal action to cause the agency to be brought under control and be forced to comport itself in accordance with the intent of Congress in creating it, and the additional question of whether or not citizens who have been harassed by its Ultra Vires activities may sue for damages or other relief.

If such legal action is possible, is such legal action the best, or the sole means which can or should be employed to bring the agency under control.

A further question may be what or who is responsible for the agency getting out of control and what, if anything, can be done to ensure that the agency does not get out of control in the future and once again become a menace to society.


The agency in question, the Food and Drug Administration, is an out of control bureaucracy, undertaking to perform some proper regulatory functions but devoting many of its resources to illicit functions not contained in its enabling legislation and not permissible under the constitution.

The agency [which was] directed by Commissioner David Kessler, M.D, JD, who assumed the position after the enforced resignation of Joe Young, PhD, has done little to change its behavior except put on a fresh face from time to time.

An investigation revealed widespread corruption with many officials, taking large bribes, not to mention every member of Congress who are heavily lobbied by industries it was supposed to regulate, and the entire agency was demoralized and ineffective.

The agency has openly and notoriously formed "partnership" with private trade associations and special interest groups for the purpose of aiding and abetting non-price predation in the health care market.

The agency has lawful jurisdiction over some Foods, Drugs and medical devices which are in interstate commerce and has no jurisdiction over the practice of medicine or other healing professions.

Despite this rather clear distinction, the agency repeatedly attempts to interfere with health care practitioners by means of its enforcement powers and by liaison with state regulatory agencies, and by conducting Gestapo type raids on the offices and clinics of health care practitioners who practice in Schools of Practice other than the Allopathic School and by attempting to suppress the use of techniques of healing and of products for use in health care which are not within its regulatory jurisdiction.



This claim is born of deliberate suppression of health technologies which are non-toxic, effective and inexpensive; to name only a few in critical areas, these include:


EDTA Chelation - Adrenal Cortical Extract


Oxidative Therapies / Hyperbaric Chamber / Ozone

EDTA Chelation

Human Growth Hormone


IAT, Laetrile, L-Arginine, Black & Yellow Salves, Gerson Therapy, 714-X, Homeotherapeutics, Krebiozen, Essiac, Immunostim, anti-neoplastin, Hoxey, Glixoxide, Revicci Therapies and many others, too numerous to mention here.


California (most active)

Department of Consumer Affairs

State Board of Medicine

State Board of Dental examiners

State Board of Osteopathic Examiners

State Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Acupuncture Committee

Food and Drug Branch

Attorney General's Office

San Diego City Attorney's Office

Other States (Generic)

State Board of Medical Examiners

State Board of Dental Examiners

Attorney General's Office

Private Organizations Involved

Pharmaceutical Advertising Council

National Council Against Health Fraud (and affiliated organizations)

National Federation of State Boards of Medical Examiners

Administrative Agencies

NCI - National Cancer Institute

CDC - Centers for Disease Control

FDA - Food and Drug Administration

NIH - National Institutes of Health

Private Organizations

American Heart Association

American Cancer Society

Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute

Mayo Clinic

American College of Allergy

Roswell, et al

In HEALTH UNITED STATES, an annual publication by the federal government, our national death rate from cancer is approximately 2,500,000 people per year and the rate is rising. Assuming a cost of $80,000 to $160,000 per person over the last 20 years, that figure represents $200,000,000 to $370,000,000 per year and 50,000,000 lives, or $4 TRILLION to $7.5 TRILLION dollars funneled from our collective economy into the hands of the medical pharmaceutical cartel. Is it any wonder, then, why we cannot find a cure?

In addition One of the first targeted, the FDA, or "Big Medicine," since the early 1900's, in this country was Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. His powerful evolutionary microscope, capable of shattering cancer cells and viruses with radio frequency vibrations, was destroyed and his books burned by federal authorities and he was imprisoned.

Some other embattled pioneers include, but are certainly not limited to: The healing arts of Ethno botany, Naturopathy Chiropractic and Acupuncture and Chelation, which all met intense resistance and violent opposition by federally protected orthodoxy.

Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, was invaded in his home office in a militant style by state and federal authorities in the late 1980's for introducing a cure for squamous cell cancer, which was proven in a 20-year study in Germany.

Andrew Ivy, MD, a pillar of the A.M.A., who came back from Germany after participating as a panelist in the Nuremberg war crime trials with a cure for cancer called Krebiozen, had his career shattered.

Bruce Halstead, MD;

Warren Levin, MD;

Vincent Speckhart, MD;

Royal Raymond Rife, MD

Wilhelm Reich, MD;

Jossef Issels, MD; and Max Gerson, MD;

Joseph Gold, MD,

Emmanuel Revici, MD;

Stanislaw Burzynski, MD;

James Privitera, MD;

Ed McCabe, author of Oxygen Therapies, jailed for 547 days; a best selling author.

Hulda Clark, ND;

There too many more which are not listed here. These gifted pioneers brought relief to a suffering humanity and were ruthlessly attacked by medical authorities and scientific dogma. Each paid a high price but distinguished themselves by their courage and resolves to stand up for their convictions, even in the face of overwhelming opposition, loss of license and jail. For a closer look at the inner workings, read: THE CANCER INDUSTRY: the Classic Expose 'on the Cancer Establishment, by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.

The FDA regularly approves dangerous, often lethal pharmaceuticals. The side effects of these potentially deadly, or harm causing pharmaceutical drugs can only be fully discovered by wide-spread use. This is despite the average $250-500,000,000 and 15 years to bring these drugs to market, including phase trial tests, trying to prove the elusive "efficacy" requirement of the F.D. &C. Act.

Typically, after one of their highly publicized "wonder" drugs fails, causes death or serious side effects, no FDA official nor PAC member company president, research assistant, corporate official, company doctor, nor testing lab will be subjected to raid, investigation, indictment or jail term.

To the trauma and suffering to the patients and their families and the productive work force, it comes with a hefty price tag.

Both Gaston Naessens and Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, spent the last 40 years perfecting independent blood tests, which are able to pre diagnose any type of cancer and immune disorders up to two years prior to their onset, with a 1% margin of error. The industrial average false/negative ratio remains extremely high by comparison, yet these new tests are ignored or met with resistance.


The Eclectic Practice of Medicine*

In 1906, Dr. Rolla Thomas completely revised the 1866 teaching manual by John Milton Scudder, and revised it yet again in 1907. This was the culmination of a thirty-year frenzy of published creativity at the Eclectic Medical Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was the main teaching text at that school until the1930s...the college closed in 1939.

" were better for the doctor if he can forget that his patient has typhoid fever, pneumonia, dysentery, or whatever he may have, and study the conditions that are present. This may be wrongs of the circulation, of the nervous system, of the secretions, of digestion, of assimilation, or wrongs of the blood, but whatever the basal lesion, it must be overcome if the patient is to be benefited by medication."


The health care industry during the Progressive Era is well documented in academic studies and can reasonably be accepted as a given here without describing in great detail how or why it occurred. However, it was funded largely by the Rockefeller and Carnegie fortunes and was done to guarantee a dominant place in health care for the products of the petrochemical industry.

The Allopathic School of Medical Practice was picked to become the dominant survivor of the monopolization because it was:

(1) Numerically the largest,

(2) Had no well established system of doctrines which made it antagonistic to the use of a system of therapeutics based on petrochemical therapeutics,

(3) Was represented by a fairly well organized and active Trade Association which was receptive to a take over by the funders,

(4) Urgently needed a large infusion of cash and political influence to stop the growing public acceptance of its economic rivals and competitors,

(5) Had little to offer its members without such an infusion of cash and political influence,

(6) Were headed by a staff which welcomed any help - motivated by absolutely no idealism and almost entirely by avarice, the staff of the AMA was easy to enlist in the monopolization and proved extremely efficient - particularly Morris Fishbein, whose role was pivotal and whose service spanned several decades of the monopolization.

One of the chief monopolization strategies was through take over of medical education and the schools or universities which offered this. There were several hundred which offered a two year course in Allopathic Medicine and granted the M.D. degree, which was the sole credential necessary for practice at that time.

Competitive medical universities operated by Homeopathic and Eclectic interests were fewer, but at least 75 existed - some well established and endowed.

The monopolist could have selected any of these; they were all easy targets, but the Allopathic School of Practice had a void in its therapeutic system which made it ideal for the monopolist and the Homeopathic and Eclectic Schools had therapeutic systems which offered little room for the

incorporation of petrochemical technology.

Many Americans, at least those who could afford to do so, went abroad for their medical education, initially to England or Scotland but eventually to Germany where State supported Universities had better facilities and foreign students who could and would pay tuition to augment the salaries of the faculty were welcomed to the extent that lectures were offered in English as well as German to facilitate and accommodate these foreign scholars.

To a man, the initial faculty of John's Hopkins, the first of the Medical Universities to be established and funded by the monopolists were graduates of German Universities and brought to the University both the medical and the political orientations gained as students at German universities, which they passed on to the students of John's Hopkins, most of whom went out to become the faculties of other American medical colleges and further incorporate both the medical and the political orientations of German universities into the graduates of American Medical Universities funded by the monopolists. Those orientations remain a part of Allopathic medicine in the United States today.

This is primarily important in considering the role of the Allopathic School in genocidal activity, which the German medical profession entered into without protest between 1934 and 1945 under the National Socialist Regime in Germany.

Federal control started in earnest around 1938 with the Pure Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and this became what it is today in 1962 with the Kefauffer Amendments to that Act, which amendments included for the first time, an efficacy requirement which gave the FDA far more power to control both drugs and information about drugs.

The Federal Act was not intended to give the agency any control over the practice of medicine or other health care professions and both its language and many decisions of Federal Courts make that clear. Nevertheless, the agency has made and continues to make increasing excursions into attempts to control the practice of medicine.

Since 1910, a combination of some practitioners and some manufacturers of goods involved in this market has attempted to attain a monopoly in the market to the exclusion of substitutable economic competitors.

Some of the goods in this market, particularly those consisting of synthetic petrochemical pharmaceuticals, are preferentially used by the practitioners involved in the monopolization to the virtual exclusion of other goods.

However, a large amount of the goods involved may be purchased and used by consumers without the recommendation or authorization of health care practitioners and the consumer is free to consult such practitioners or not as he or she sees fit, in most circumstances.

Licensure of health care practitioners is a function of State governments, all of which have a system of examination and licensure of some health care practitioners. There is some variation from state to state in which practitioners are licensed and which are not licensed.

There is universal licensure of physicians and surgeons, osteopathic physicians and surgeons, dentists, chiropractic physicians and there is considerable variation as to the licensure of naturopathic physicians and Oriental medical practitioners (acupuncturists) on a state by state basis.

Despite the state by state variation, all of these practitioners practice in a virtually uniform fashion all have trade associations and specialty societies which are national in scope and all receive fairly standardized training.

Licensure for physicians and surgeons was initially begun around 1890 on a state by state basis at the instigation of the American Medical Association, which is the trade association for the Allopathic School of Medical Practice.

When the process was begun, State Legislatures typically created three separate State Boards of Medical examiners, to examine and license medical practitioners of the Allopathic, Homeopathic and Eclectic Schools of Medical Practice; in many states the Osteopathic School was also given a Board of Examiners.

Initially, the licenses granted to these practitioners was to treat any human disease, disorder or condition by drugs, surgery or any other means and all persons not so licensed were forbidden to undertake such activities for compensation.

Shortly thereafter, other health care practitioners were also given licenses which carried out certain exceptions to the universal licensure of physicians, such as Dentists, Podiatrists, Pharmacists, Nurses, Midwives, Physiotherapists and eventually, Acupuncturists.

The campaign for licensure carried out by the AMA was for the purpose of attaining for its members an exclusive license to practice health care for compensation and to exclude all substitutable economic competitors from the market.

This was not accomplished as State Legislators usually saw fit to license their economic competitors as well in order to maintain competition in the Relevant Service Market.

The campaign to attain exclusive licensure not having succeeded, the AMA next attempted to bring about a merger between the competitive schools of medical practice; that campaign is ongoing and has succeeded in some states to a degree, although all states continue to license health care practitioners who are substitutable economic competitors to allopathic physicians and have clearly articulated policies encouraging competition between different sorts of health care providers, set forth in state legislation.

The AMA and its component state medical societies, nevertheless, continued with unrelenting efforts to monopolize health care and have been convicted of Antitrust violations repeatedly.

The Federal Trade Commission brought an enforcement action against the AMA and its component societies resulting in information concerning anticompetitive misconduct and subsequently a private enforcement action by 4 chiropractors resulted in further permanent injunctions against anticompetitive misconduct.

The later action, Wilk, et al. v. AMA was based upon a campaign conducted by the AMA through its Department of Investigation and Council Against Quackery "to first contain then eliminate Chiropractic".

During the litigation, the Department of Investigation and the Council Against Quackery were hurriedly disbanded by the AMA and files of these organizations were handed over to a private organization which, funded by the Pharmaceutical Advertising Council, continues the anticompetitive campaigns as an ostensible private organization, which is actually an AMA front organization. Its anticompetitive activities have intensified since the injunctions against the AMA were issued and affirmed.

A large part of the plan of monopolization has been and continues to be the suppression of information about health care providers and modalities which are competitive with those of AMA members.

The AMA initially formed a sub rosa organization, the "Health Information Control Council" which had members from several bureaucratic regulatory agencies as members. This was also broken up during the Wilk litigation.

As a part of the Wilk litigation, the Court held that calling a licensed competitor a Quack would constitute an antitrust offense; since that time the AMA front organization has substituted the word "fraud" for "quack" in its anticompetitive campaigns which increasingly are undertaken with State and Federal bureaucrats into whose "hidden agendas" the achievement of monopoly by the AMA and standardization of therapeutics fit extremely well.

During the past 25 years, most of the monopoly activity of this AMA front organization has been with bureaucrats and third party payees, such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield, which are both private insurers and pay agents for governmental programs such as Medicare.

In these situations, these "insurance companies" do not function in their traditional roles as casualty insurers, but rather as cost-plus contract pay agents and, in this role, their activities neatly interface with both the AMA's monopolization efforts and the "hidden bureaucratic agendas" of regulatory agencies.

It is this combination of the AMA, acting through a front organization, the "insurance" companies who are not insuring but acting as cost-plus contract pay agents and the regulatory agencies involved in a "hidden agenda" which in combination, are bringing about and attempting to bring about the monopoly in health care which the AMA has been engaged in creating since 1890.

This combination has already succeeded in dangerously decreasing the quality of goods and services and astronomically increasing their price in the Relevant Service and Goods Market.

This has been accomplished by bureaucratic activity which is directly violative of the clearly articulated policies of the States and has as its purpose both increasing such costs and decreasing the quality of goods and services, and although it is state action, it is not such state action as is protected from Antitrust scrutiny by the State Action Exemption to the Antitrust Laws.



Thoma Szasz, Ph.D.

Books by Harris Coulter

[1994] Empiricism vs. Rationalism in Medicine by Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D.

Childhood Vaccinations and Juvenile-Onset (Type-1) Diabetes by Harris Coulter, Ph.D

Vaccination and Social Violence by Harris Coulter, Ph.D

Vaccination and Violent Crime by Harris Coulter, Ph.D

Critique of government funded studies--Harris Coulter Ph.D.

SIDS and Seizures by Harris L. Coulter, PhD

Do Vaccines Cause Cot Deaths?---Harris L. Coulter (1996)

An Italian Study Finding Biochemical Markers of Vaccine Damage 1996, Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D.


1972, Homeopathic Medicine

1975, Divided Legacy (Volume I): The Patterns Emerge: Hippocrates to Paracelsus

1977, Divided Legacy (Volume II): The Origins of Modern Western Medicine: J. B. Van Helmont to Claude Bernard

1981, Homeopathic Science and Modern Medicine

1982, Divided Legacy (Volume III): The Conflict Between Homeopathy and the American Medical Association: Science and Ethics in American Medicine 1800-1910

1986, A Shot in the Dark, ISBN 089529463x ---Harris Coulter & Barbara Loe Fisher

1987, AIDS & Syphilis -- The Hidden Link

1990, Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality ISBN 1556430841---Harris Coulter

Medical historian Harris Coulter presents evidence to show that disabilities caused by vaccines are often "disguised" under different names: autism, dyslexia, learning disability, epilepsy, mental retardation, hyperactivity & minimal brain dysfunction. Up to 25% of American schoolchildren suffer from "development disabilities". A classic.

'...It is the thesis of this remarkable book that early vaccinations can result in mild cases of sub-clinical encephalitis which, in turn, may well be responsible -- at least in part -- for the increase in autism, hyperactivity, dyslexia, sociopathy, and developmental disabilities, a rise that roughly coincides with the initiation of infant vaccinations. Coulter suggests further linkages to the increase in adolescent crime and suicide, and the decline in SAT scores.' Stanley Kripner, AHP, January 1993.

1990, The Controlled Clinical Trial: an Analysis

1994, Divided Legacy (Volume IV): Twentieth-Century Medicine, The Bacteriological Era"





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How earn online promotion career opportunity help you

Sometimes in life we can find ourselves in a rut career and a great way to promote your career earn a promotion. At this point in her career most people have in a community, bought a House, a career and have children in school, so move for education is not possible. Getting an online PhD is the perfect way to jump start your career and online universities make this possible.

There are many careers in which a PhD in need, promote, some are research, academics that career or if you want to write policies based on research. Face it PhD programs are intensive and rigorous and only those who really are active in their field and have the intellectual ability to such a degree. PhD programs are also expensive, so make sure that you such a program of the time and effort operation are required. Make sure that it is the right time in your life and that your tasks with your studies in conflict are. For example if you had just groups of three, it is not the time probably, to start a PhD program.

There are many career reasons why a PhD would be useful. Promotion is one of the most prestigious degrees that can get a person and reach the level of degree makes a strong statement about your knowledge and experience in your area. A PhD requires respect and is a huge advantage no matter what field you pursue. Promotion means that you gain the time and effort to the strict standards of the study and the skill set you, will help you get a promotion through many challenges in life.

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Make sure that you always the credentials of each school review who visit online or on campus. Far too many degree mill just offer quick and easy programs universities and should be as professional organizations not seriously. Get free online access to the U.S. Department of education Web site universities check on and let the universities, which has admitted it. Doctoral programs are expensive and intensive and not for any program that tells you that you quickly and easily, complete the promotion You are probably just trying to get your money. Online PhD work as well as on-campus PhD's, most program offer 03: 57 semester full time class work and then students require a dissertation completed. A dissertation should the candidates be your own original work and presentation to a Committee, in which the candidates must have their research and will to defend methods. Once this is completed the student will officially receive the degree and the title of the doctor.

Some of the best PhD students fields study on online schools; offered Psychology, education, technology, public health and business. Regardless of which field you choose to make sure research it field, the potential developments, which granted a doctorate and the potential revenue increases. Typically a PhD-professional $37.265 earn more per year than a Bachelor's degree level is candidate. Although some tout that PhD's can be earned free, this is usually not true. Some programs offer a part of the costs cover scholarships but there are still many costs for PhD studies at the student passed. Make sure that the program that you are picking provides a clear picture of the costs associated with their degree, read small print. A doctorate may receive an adventure difficult and strict and expensive, so make sure that you are ready. A PhD offers room for further development and opportunities and may be the cost and time investment value.

My colleges and careers helps connect students to you with the best schools earn her college degree and embark on a rewarding career! A powerful resource for people of all walks of life, my college and career brings people together with the programmes that they earn degrees on the campus or online.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Is it a PhD in health administration value?

Healthcare is driven an ever-changing arena of the needs to find the latest methods of prevention and cures for established and new diseases. As such enormous resources needed, good to health care work to make. A doctorate in Health Administration treated the necessary principles to respond to these changes and requirements. The postgraduate student examines aspects, problems and patterns on how health affects society as a whole. A simple matter of employee call sick when in large numbers sorted translates to high cost in man hours for employers. Identify and document the impact of health is part of the programme of promotion.

Health is a system like any other. Health Administration is therefore the management of resources, procedures and processes to ensure the smooth running. A student of this promotion is recommended, a background in liberal arts. Language, literature, history, mathematics, natural sciences and philosophy to equip the students with General knowledge to the development of its rational thought process and intellect. With this strong men in his Fort can show the students practical skills in research, planning and implementation of services related to health administration.

As part of course curriculum for a PhD in health administration, factors that affect health and disease are covered. It is important to understand why a disease in certain regions or Nations is widespread and non-existence to another. As a result of migration trends, diseases, the low or no records in some Nations had numbers increased concern. It may Nations with lower safety requirements to which the different practices in the source code. A student must identify therefore to apply statistical analysis to such anomalies. Health law is aimed also at providing the PhD student and facts about tackling health issues from legal point of view.

Most doctoral candidates will seek career opportunities agencies or health organizations in public health. Typically, administrators, providers, and organizations act as an intermediary between health care. Is used in management roles, playing them a key role in how health affects society.

Dennis has written on wide range of issues as health administration PhD and PhD Health Administration. You can visit for more details.

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You use your statistical talents benefit the health care field.

Statistical Society was one of the first instances of a health policy statistics collected in the 1900s by a British. The lives of many British soldiers led the results of the data saved on health policy reform in the 19th century, and the reforms. This story is an example of the longevity and the importance of statistics in the medical field. If you have any scientific and medical history and a propensity for mathematics, you can marry the two and pursue a career as a health and medical statistician.

Statistics refers to the collection and analysis of data used, collected to draw conclusions and decisions on the basis of information. A statistician health and medicine is experts the possibility for the work with scientists from a variety of areas, offers statistical information which will contribute to the scientific development of every health care area. Some of these fields are epidemiology, public health, pharmacology, genetics.

Epidemiological is the study of the patterns of health and disease at the population level. Epidemiological statisticians work on projects such as for example calculate cancer incidence rates or the rates of chronic and infectious diseases, monitoring and reporting on disease outbreaks and monitor changes in health-related behaviors such as smoking and physical activity. Significant epidemiological statisticians need to know about nutrition, environment, genetics and Pharmacoepidemiology.

Public health statistician deal with wellness and prevention. Collect statistical information, which helps in the prevention of diseases, to extend life and health through efforts organized community which prompted. Some of the efforts implemented the objectives of public health include sanitary practices, hygiene education, control of communicable infections and adequate standard of living. Statistician, focusing on public health have a good understanding of the epidemiology, nutrition, antiseptic practices and social sciences.

Statistician who enjoy research are expected to be a career in pharmacology. People in this area work in pharmaceuticals, animal health, and government research. Their results are central to all aspects of drug discovery, development, approval and marketing. Statisticians are important in drug development, as evidence at every stage of the development process for accuracy be checked.

Statistics are used in human genetics to create methods of identify possible indicators for genetic anomalies, such as birth defects and early aging. Genetic statistics was also used to breed desirable characteristics in animal and plant species offspring. Genetic statisticians help, make informed decisions for genetic doctors of examines the determinants of complex human diseases and ways of using genetic information to improve people's health.

Typically the minimum requirement for most jobs in the field of education is a master's degree in statistics and mathematics. Research and academic positions require usually a doctorate in statistics. Good communication skills are important for statisticians, because often, they need to make technical questions, without explaining statistical expertise.

Statistics and medicine have a long and firm had hired relationship. The importance of statisticians in the field of health and medicine cannot be stressed enough. Medicine could be if not for the influence of statistics, not up to date. As you have read, there are many special areas to choose from. Keep in mind that you can follow online your college degree! Could it be in your best interest to earn an online masters or maybe even a PhD online. If you want to pursue as a career, you can use a few healthcare and medicine to speak statisticians to collect information about this field of study.

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Public health career training online

The general population has many needs that are met on a regular basis. Health is usually at the top of the list, that is, why are there many health professionals to improve and maintain health in society work. Public health is a popular career as professionals with a variety of people and areas to work. Online career training is spread so far for students to earn a degree in public health.

The profession has all that concentrated the work is a variety of areas and activities, but on the review and regulation of health to the public. Professionals target can contain general or specific areas, the diet, or a big city health care system. It is very common for professionals, complex problems with overall medical services and systems. You contribute to the communities to keep free of outbreaks of infection. You are working with individuals to encourage families and communities of healthy behaviors. Students of entering the field may have completed career that they have work for wellness programs in schools, hospitals, universities and Government companies. You have the field is incredibly diverse students many options to consider, before the decision on an online degree program. Family health, health education, epidemiology, and environment and health are just a few of the options, with which students can focus their schooling.

Online training for public health is often only at appropriate level, a Masters or doctoral degrees. This is because the most career need people who have more in depth training. A Bachelor's degree students can enter without first completing a university degree. A Bachelor's degree offers students a general training programme can be applied to a university degree. A health science degree is the ideal choice for students, a broad Foundation is focused on the medical field to win. Students study includes biology, chemistry, health education and health care provides management, which know that to succeed in a university degree program.

University degree programs online include a master of public health or public health doctor. A MPH degree is a science based program, which contains specific information about the use of knowledge to improve public health, to educate, and preventive measures. Education includes advanced training courses for health and administration tasks. Environmental Sciences, epidemiology, public health biology, management, health promotion and prevention are some course topics that are covered by a master program. Master's degree programs prepare step in leading positions as food inspectors public health, health inspectors and safety Advisor. Promotion qualified for the upper level of management and roles in science education at the PhD level.

Students specialized in a specific area such as nutrition, behavioral science, child health and epidemiology in the promotion. Students in an epidemiology program will examine in particular how diseases spread. The aim of the training is to prepare the students on the field contribute through their strategies to keep outbreaks in check. Courses supplement specific fields of study include leadership, public health internship, and management. Students who should want to be involved on the page of research of the profession are considering an online training program at this level.

Search for accredited online programs is the best way to begin the process of entering the profession. To decide on a specific program the field of their choice helps students enter by using of great online resources.

Disclaimer: Top is a generic outline and can or can not precise methods represent courses and/or focuses in connection with any one particular occurred, the may be or may be advertised on

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Renata is a staff writer for Search online public health schools and colleges of education, you're looking at, your partners in education and tuition assistance programs.

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Advantages of online PhD degrees

A PhD or doctorate is the highest education that can be purchased by students of a university or a college. Majority of level doctoral programs take at least five years of study beyond the master level. Advances in technology and the growth of the Internet, online PhD degrees are popular to a formal program of any online college or University you would like to stop. Online doctorate-level courses are designed as campus-based courses and have rich curriculum with research needs as well as numerous projects. The most common online PhD degree programs are:

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o PhD in business

This online PhD offer numerous advantages over traditional education. To begin with, students get to use modern technology for research. The main advantages of an online PhD degree program include:

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Career options

Earn a promotion through distance learning, take a step forward in the field of teaching, consulting and research. Many of the graduates of PhD online degree programs pursue lifelong research in the field of their interest. These graduates can later publish a book about her research.

Why pursue PhD degree online?

An online promotion then emits the option students to study at their own pace. Online students can study at times that fit their hectic everyday life and all what required, online study is a computer with Internet connection. Majority of the PhD study programmes studies and research are designed with intensive requirements. This can be further enhanced with online PhD programs, students opportunity to do research on the Internet. Students can also create reports online or presentations.

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Purchase of a promotion is now easier than ever thanks to the wonders of the Internet. Students no longer have students in regular classes at a particular college or University. You earn their doctorate, how now makes it possible, promotion through online education, achieving learning more interesting and interactive for distance

Tammy Greene is an educator with decades of teaching and learning experience. Currently is Tammy for Member as their beratendes OnlineEduBlog and help students with online degrees, and tutorials and find accredited online colleges and universities.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

PhD programs for public health

Enjoy dedicated care for our societies the most vulnerable citizens and public health your life have to. However is it limits the impact you how public health will be delivered to that. A huge difference in this area you can your training and obtaining promotion in the health sector. Lack of time can no longer the excuse for not indicating that additional step. It doesn't take long, start your laptop and research the many online PhD programs in the field of health.

Questions, which our programs public health system and health services are becoming increasingly complex in the today's growing communities. If you want to part of this change in the health sector has become the need your education requires significantly more important than ever. Make sure, that you career positively are promotion in health science through an online promotion in the position, your public health by receiving. It is very easy and online takes very little time to browse through many PhD programs available. Enter the time you your coffee in the morning have, which could be on your way to promote your career.

Their training, a step to go further and be ready at the forefront of health care in the private and the public sector are used. Instead of just a supply in accordance with the provisions identified by other professionals of the elite group of recognized leaders of shaping the future of how healthcare is delivered to. You have already invested you much in your training make sure, you're not the a few minutes online PhD programs research behind.

Training now and able to influence social policy and empower citizens be. You will speak as a world leader in the field of public health and invited to national and international symposia. As a very in-demand professional that your views and opinions of eminent piers to be heard. Allow you not your dreams disappear no longer on the back burner pushed and examine the many online PhD programs in public health science are available.

A PhD offer the knowledge and skills lead to independent research in the field of public health. You are also well qualified agencies are in pursuit of a career in academic settings such as Government, industry, consulting, and community health. Belonging to you health professionals responsible are delivered to the elite circle for the design of the nature and way health services directly over the country.

It is to ensure a great responsibility and privilege for the most vulnerable in society. Increasing your academic career to the next level and become the part of the important task of the design of our public health. It takes only a few minutes on your computer and a few clicks of the mouse select an online doctoral program and achieve the level of excellence that helps you'll get to all important public health.

Matthew Bowes - MBA programs

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Benefits of distance learning PhD courses

Promote your training today is very important in today's world. It is hard, take advantage of the work of your dreams, if you don't have the time or the money to go back to school go find. The good news is that hope for those who want it back to school go, and this is PHD distance learning. You can this also known as online college courses or take college courses from home. As a result, you can get the training you need to your time. No longer you need to try and turn your work hours to your school, as your personal life.

Before we talk about the benefits of the PHD begin distance learning, you need to know one. When you sign up with an online course, you must ensure that it is an accredited school. Always a PHD from a school that is not an accredited has almost as good as no PhD in the first place. PHD distance learning is the way to go if you get it right. So be sure to do a little research on the school you want to register.

The first advantage to do PHD distance learning is the fact that you will receive courses all around to take your time. This makes it possible for people who already go a job to school again and get their work at the same time. If you are working during the day, you can take your courses at night. Work at night? No problem, take your classes in the course of the day. It completely puts you in control and these online colleges are the only way you can be in control. Also, if you are a fast learner, it is on then also nice point out the fact that it's super simple actually early to stop which means that you, faster do able with your classes and in the field of your dreams sooner. That a dream for all, is that in a special field to get.

We can not forget to talk about how much money you can save when you sign up for these college courses from home. Although it costs about the same at the school, your real savings elsewhere come to visit, such as a traditional school. Because you do not have the all the time (and back to College), then drive to save gas. Also, because you study from home, you do not have to eat every day, such as in a traditional school. Most of the time you want costs than also save money. If you go to a traditional school, you want to pay these costs, which can be very expensive. To go from home to school, to pay all you need is your text books. At the end, you would be shocked to see how much money actually can you save it.

Kelly Hunter owns and operates and writes about Phd Distance Learning

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PhD in public health in order to keep in shape

If you currently are used in an environment that focuses on public health, you are a PhD in public health get certainly potential for a jump start in your career. Because many institutions offer this as a form of online education, you do not have to give up your current job and paycheck. Is a PhD, can more be trouble-free financial aid or funding from Government sources or the institution itself.

Typical of all doctorate program, a student is required to research and analysis in the areas of interest, leading his thesis perform. Public health provides a huge area for address when students can decide, diving a in epidemiology on and explore factors that affect the health and the suffering of the population. Community health is also an interesting area of study as geographical some form of impact on the health of residents exercise. Whether it be due to negligent attitude or actual lack of education, health education and promotion is to a topic in the population reduce or even eliminate certain health issues more must be projected. Health in the workplace tends attention from various quarters how work-related health issues are clear. You are in physical, mental and psychological attributes. It is translated important slightly sick days and financial loss for employers to address these problems such as downtime.

An important role in getting a PhD in health care is the research work. Health policies have to be effectively the public to provide health care services, developing current and future needs. A short-term aim will not address health issues and can cause that negative impact. Effective management and implementation of health policy is important to make sure that the desired results are achieved. As an enriching part of the process of public health, health education and promotion of best for implementation are as many health issues can be avoided if the public on the do's and Don'ts is adequately trained. Prevention is better than cure.

Dennis has written on wide range of issues such as public health PhD and PhD public health. You can visit for more details.

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There were online PHD programs that you do not know

Although very popular to offer some online classes at many universities and colleges, you can earn entirely online actually advanced degrees (PhD). What they are, it would be great to earn promotion in the leisure facility in your living room conflicts with today's pressures and planning? Bedroom? Kitchen? It is so easy to find all the right college for you information that you imagine right at your fingertips. Earn online promotion has been never been easier. Thinking from the cost savings to choose a PhD program, with gas save this is the "green" way to higher education.

Did you know that you can earn an online PhD in homeland security? There are so many jobs outside of the Federal Government, that you could use a Ph.d. in homeland security. Each position that decision making and the ability to quickly respond to disasters is one that you can easily track requires. You could teach at the college level. Use your advanced decision making skills to solve complex problems in a leadership position. With a doctorate in homeland security research and construct would be protocols for prevention and response to many disasters qualified. This would be if you enjoy an amazing opportunity, administration and politics. Actually a degree in business administration, could you exponentially expand your horizons, by pursuing an advanced degree in homeland security.

Make a PhD in e-business and e-commerce. What would you think of, to do with that? Obviously an advanced business degree, a doctorate in electronic commerce can improve a business or marketing degree. The Internet business would have to constantly change the broad basis know needed to take your company in the global market. In addition with an online PhD in e-business or e-commerce, you could lessons at the college level. You were not limited to on sale in the retail Internet either, there are some creative uses for a PhD in e-commerce or e-business. You can build from scratch an e business. There are many ways work consultant for any company that is willing to introduce their product to the global market.

It's amazing how many doctoral programs can be obtained on Internet-based companies back. A PhD in English as a second language is for the improvement of the translation software to build e business or to help the Federal Bureau of investigation, Police Department and foreign service. A more tempting career for a linguist is a career with natural language processing company. Work with artificial intelligence computer science combined and Linguistics as well as write dictionaries are other possible career paths you could follow with a doctorate in English as a second language. An other exciting Avenue, you might be interested, is a teacher of Linguistics as a translator, analyst intelligence and even a code breaker for the Government of the United States.

A PhD in public safety and health would prepare you for high level public health management. Many people with a doctorate in public health and safety pursue scientific or educational positions. There are so many ways you can use for public health programs a PhD in this field a policy maker. She would be qualified, create educational programs. Education would issue, as diabetes, obesity and HIV/AIDS be concerned with the raising of the public health. In the private sector, a doctorate for public health and safety statistics in the Biomedical Laboratories is critical to the collection and analysis. As a mental health researchers or Director would you responsible for the investigation as to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. You can also environment and health, diseases and how to control as an epidemiologist studying type. Opportunities await you in the third world and the United States in health education and politics.

If you are a teacher, learning a PhD in curriculum and teaching you how to teach. This level prepare to other teachers teaching, how effective curriculum to develop. Sometimes known as educational psychology, you do research at the University level or with the military or in the private sector. Skills are other area, the doctor courses, curriculum improvement programs and development of statistical and research methods of curriculum and teaching qualified completed would. You can help to evaluate and develop educational tests for schools. Finally, as a psychologist, you can your talents in private settings in the judicial system and the corporate world.

What you there care should an Online PhD program that work for you. Enter you have on your dreams, that highly-regarded degrees. Today you can find an online University and to work!

My colleges and careers helps connect students to you with the best schools earn her college degree and embark on a rewarding career! A powerful resource for people of all walks of life, my college and career brings people together with the programmes that they earn degrees on the campus or online.

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

PhD vs DrPH - what is the difference?

If you are in the field of public health, you probably have called into question, "PhD vs. DrPH - what is the difference?" This is a question that many people ask. Each graduate deserves the title "Doctor". So, what is exactly the difference between the two programs?

There are some similarities between the two degrees. They are both excellent maximum in a career field. As mentioned above, also awarded both the graduate the title "Doctor". Each graduate there are many differences in the program and the types of positions, which, however can qualify.

A DrPH is designed typically for people, to have the experience in the practice of public health and in most cases already their master in health care. The program focuses on prepared for positions of leadership in the industry. In particular, graduates to senior positions in federal agencies, State health authorities, go to keep non-profits and health care facilities.

A doctorate in public health is to make scientists. Graduates go on to researchers in various academic and non-academic research institutions. Many go to level university professors, in the course of studies commissioned by the University.

The end result is that both degree holders are experts in their subject matter. The main difference is in the nature of the work that is every degree holder in respect of qualified. Those who should actually work in the field work on their DrPH, while those who break down should pursue researching a PhD.

Author of what is PhD and Online Promotion, the editor identified hundreds products online.

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